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Aims & Objectives.

Aims and Objectives

 To pursue excellence and set pace in the field of school education..
 To initiate and promote experimentation and innovativeness in education in collaboration with other bodies like the CBSE, NCERT.
 To develop the spirit of national integration and create a sense of "patriotism" among children.
 To maintain the quality of teaching is kept reasonable high by maintaining an appropriate teacher pupil ratio and by appointing suitable teachers with high academic qualifications.

We encourage learning by exploration. We have audio visual labs for making teaching and learning processes more effective. In addition to classroom teaching, we have various avenues of learning such as excursions, camps, dramatics, debates, elocution, quiz, group learning etc. The School follows the House System. All students are divided into 4 houses Subroto, Arjan,Sekhon and Katre. This helps the students to strike a fine balance between competition and collaboration. It also provides an opportunity to develop leadership and organising skills among the students. We provide adequate games and sports facilities to students.

Air Force aims at channelizing the potential of the students helping them to realize their capabilities by presenting numerous opportunities in various fields. The School recognizes quest for knowledge, enlightenment and truth as the highest goals of life.
All efforts are made to have the right mix of academies and co-curricular activities, for the development of a well-balanced personality. A comprehensive training package has been created to provide a thrust to the student's physical, cognitive, emotional, spiritual and moral growth and development.
The school aims at strengthening the potentialities of the children by constructive and creative activities for all round development of their personality. In addition, building of character, team spirit, dedication to purpose, patriotic outlook and sense of citizenship are inclucated in children.